2014 BDGC Ice Bowl

Join us for the 2014 BDGC Ice Bowl, a bring-your-own partner doubles tournament to benefit Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard. The BDGC will provide lunch between rounds. Consider sponsoring a hole for just $25!

100% of hole sponsorship and mulligan money, along with half of the entry fees, will go to Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard. Tournament details:


Mark putts at 2013 Cabin Fever Reliever

Format: 2-round disc golf tournament. 18-hole temporary course. Doubles. Bring your own partner.

Entree Fee: Pros: $40/team. Advanced Amateur and Novice: $20/team. Mulligans available, 1 for $5 or 3 for $10.

Where: Sherwood Oaks Disc Golf Course

When: February 8, 2014. Register before 9:30am.

Tournament Director: Colin Meiklejohn (cmeiklejohn@gmail.com)
If you’d like to help organize, raise money, prepare food, or run the event, please contact Colin.

January Calendar:

Random-draw Doubles (Saturdays at 11am) at Crestmont Park